Run: 8469 Start Time: 2020-09-15 06:16:39 End Time: 2020-09-15 07:00:10 Number of events processed: 312400 Number of events in good multiplicity patterns: 164580 Percentage of good events: 52.7 % ========================================================================= Yield Units: bcm(uA), cavq(uA), bpm(mm), sam(mV/uA) Asymmetry/Difference Units: bcm(ppm), cavq(ppm), bpm(um), sam(ppm) ========================================================================= ========================================================================= Yields ========================================================================= bcm_an_us | Mean: 145.693 +/- 0.004 Width: 0.738 bcm_an_ds | Mean: 145.742 +/- 0.004 Width: 0.736 bcm_an_ds3 | Mean: 145.907 +/- 0.004 Width: 0.743 cav4bQ | Mean: 148.631 +/- 0.004 Width: 0.812 cav4cQ | Mean: 145.659 +/- 0.004 Width: 0.752 cav4dQ | Mean: 147.097 +/- 0.004 Width: 0.741 bpm4eX | Mean: -0.479 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.056 bpm4eY | Mean: 0.138 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.020 bpm12X | Mean: -0.382 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.078 bpm12Y | Mean: 1.969 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.013 bpm4aX | Mean: -0.888 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.062 bpm4aY | Mean: 0.363 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.021 bpm4acX | Mean: -1.218 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.060 bpm4acY | Mean: 0.506 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.022 bpm4ecX | Mean: -0.488 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.057 bpm4ecY | Mean: -0.165 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.020 sam1 | Mean: 13.407 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.018 sam2 | Mean: 26.235 +/- 0.001 Width: 0.299 sam3 | Mean: 27.801 +/- 0.001 Width: 0.170 sam4 | Mean: 15.408 +/- 0.001 Width: 0.169 sam5 | Mean: 17.510 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.061 sam6 | Mean: 8.938 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.045 sam7 | Mean: 2.289 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.005 sam8 | Mean: 8.446 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.011 ========================================================================= Asymmetries/Differences ========================================================================= bcm_an_us | Mean: -1.243 +/- 2.211 Width: 448.570 bcm_an_ds | Mean: -1.153 +/- 2.200 Width: 446.322 bcm_an_ds3 | Mean: -1.131 +/- 2.211 Width: 448.491 cav4bQ | Mean: -3.910 +/- 4.783 Width: 970.126 cav4cQ | Mean: -1.168 +/- 2.258 Width: 457.938 cav4dQ | Mean: -2.905 +/- 2.402 Width: 487.186 bpm4eX | Mean: -0.080 +/- 0.109 Width: 22.081 bpm4eY | Mean: 0.011 +/- 0.030 Width: 6.105 bpm12X | Mean: 0.195 +/- 0.218 Width: 44.218 bpm12Y | Mean: 0.002 +/- 0.012 Width: 2.529 bpm4aX | Mean: -0.084 +/- 0.117 Width: 23.772 bpm4aY | Mean: 0.011 +/- 0.031 Width: 6.277 bpm4acX | Mean: -0.081 +/- 0.114 Width: 23.165 bpm4acY | Mean: -0.001 +/- 0.031 Width: 6.284 bpm4ecX | Mean: -0.086 +/- 0.110 Width: 22.338 bpm4ecY | Mean: -0.000 +/- 0.029 Width: 5.965 sam1 | Mean: 1.043 +/- 2.106 Width: 427.092 sam2 | Mean: 14.817 +/- 22.120 Width: 4486.820 sam3 | Mean: 8.720 +/- 10.992 Width: 2229.552 sam4 | Mean: 15.955 +/- 19.610 Width: 3977.702 sam5 | Mean: 0.462 +/- 4.766 Width: 966.658 sam6 | Mean: -4.895 +/- 9.196 Width: 1865.421 sam7 | Mean: 2.988 +/- 3.814 Width: 773.669 sam8 | Mean: 1.591 +/- 2.136 Width: 433.255 ========================================================================= Combined Differences/Averages ========================================================================= asym_left_dd | Mean: 3315.562 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_right_dd | Mean: 270.127 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_us_dd | Mean: 3665.692 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_ds_dd | Mean: 620.257 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atl_dd | Mean: 25245.652 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atr_dd | Mean: -27.646 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 1271.397 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 23946.609 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_at1_dd | Mean: 1299.043 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_at2_dd | Mean: 23974.255 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 12609.003 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 12636.649 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: -11337.606 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_2an_us_an_ds_dd | Mean: 226.407 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_an_us_an_ds_dd | Mean: 129.607 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_an_us_an_ds3_dd | Mean: -3464.928 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_dg_us_dg_ds_dd | Mean: -2018.512 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_cav4cQ_an_ds_dd | Mean: -3268.247 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_cav4cQ_dg_ds_dd | Mean: -6408.733 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_dg_us_an_us_dd | Mean: 992.367 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_dg_ds_an_us_dd | Mean: 3010.879 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_dg_us_an_ds_dd | Mean: 1121.974 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_dg_ds_an_ds_dd | Mean: 3140.486 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: -4048.140 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 1584.429 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 3401.539 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: -1649.140 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 876.200 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: -1149.473 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: -1231.856 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: -700.773 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: -1246.801 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: -546.028 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: -97.329 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 603.445 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: -321.678 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aX_4acX_dd | Mean: -17.362 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aX_4eX_dd | Mean: -81.932 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aX_4ecX_dd | Mean: 3.264 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4eX_4ecX_dd | Mean: 85.197 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aY_4acY_dd | Mean: 7.388 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aY_4eY_dd | Mean: -0.568 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aY_4ecY_dd | Mean: -20.414 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4eY_4ecY_dd | Mean: -19.847 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_us_dd | Mean: 3665.692 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_ds_dd | Mean: 620.257 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_left_dd | Mean: 3315.562 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_right_dd | Mean: 270.127 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 25245.652 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atr_dd | Mean: -27.646 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 1271.397 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 23946.609 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 1299.043 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 23974.255 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 12609.003 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 12636.649 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: -11337.606 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: -4048.140 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 1584.429 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 3401.539 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: -1649.140 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 876.200 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: -1149.473 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: -1231.856 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: -700.773 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: -1246.801 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: -546.028 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: -97.329 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 603.445 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: -321.678 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 11917.009 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: -2972.266 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 3752.056 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 19173.754 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 6930.875 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 389.895 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: -4746.872 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 13052.315 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: -3555.840 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: -7211.759 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: -2464.887 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: -3655.919 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 1090.953 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: -3060.403 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 46417.003 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: -14305.549 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: -1408.853 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 62131.405 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: -15714.401 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 47825.856 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 16055.727 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 30361.276 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: -31770.129 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 ========================================================================= End of Summary =========================================================================