Run: 8547 Start Time: 2020-09-17 19:01:30 End Time: 2020-09-17 19:59:42 Number of events processed: 418416 Number of events in good multiplicity patterns: 268156 Percentage of good events: 64.1 % ========================================================================= Yield Units: bcm(uA), cavq(uA), bpm(mm), sam(mV/uA) Asymmetry/Difference Units: bcm(ppm), cavq(ppm), bpm(um), sam(ppm) ========================================================================= ========================================================================= Yields ========================================================================= bcm_an_us | Mean: 127.240 +/- 0.008 Width: 2.120 bcm_an_ds | Mean: 127.248 +/- 0.008 Width: 2.104 bcm_an_ds3 | Mean: 127.377 +/- 0.008 Width: 2.111 cav4bQ | Mean: 125.622 +/- 0.009 Width: 2.330 cav4cQ | Mean: 128.478 +/- 0.011 Width: 2.756 cav4dQ | Mean: 127.784 +/- 0.008 Width: 2.031 bpm4eX | Mean: -0.478 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.094 bpm4eY | Mean: 0.135 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.030 bpm12X | Mean: -1.202 +/- 0.001 Width: 0.175 bpm12Y | Mean: 0.854 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.010 bpm4aX | Mean: -0.888 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.096 bpm4aY | Mean: 0.358 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.031 bpm4acX | Mean: -1.221 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.094 bpm4acY | Mean: 0.505 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.031 bpm4ecX | Mean: -0.485 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.095 bpm4ecY | Mean: -0.169 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.029 sam1 | Mean: 12.991 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.033 sam2 | Mean: 26.007 +/- 0.002 Width: 0.485 sam3 | Mean: 26.967 +/- 0.001 Width: 0.293 sam4 | Mean: 15.112 +/- 0.001 Width: 0.287 sam5 | Mean: 17.407 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.081 sam6 | Mean: 8.912 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.068 sam7 | Mean: 2.234 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.010 sam8 | Mean: 8.308 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.021 ========================================================================= Asymmetries/Differences ========================================================================= bcm_an_us | Mean: -0.841 +/- 1.548 Width: 400.777 bcm_an_ds | Mean: -0.804 +/- 1.552 Width: 401.935 bcm_an_ds3 | Mean: -0.843 +/- 1.558 Width: 403.422 cav4bQ | Mean: -7.382 +/- 3.487 Width: 902.723 cav4cQ | Mean: -0.731 +/- 1.549 Width: 401.179 cav4dQ | Mean: -1.769 +/- 1.705 Width: 441.331 bpm4eX | Mean: -0.172 +/- 0.082 Width: 21.256 bpm4eY | Mean: 0.032 +/- 0.023 Width: 6.073 bpm12X | Mean: 0.103 +/- 0.155 Width: 40.151 bpm12Y | Mean: 0.016 +/- 0.010 Width: 2.520 bpm4aX | Mean: -0.185 +/- 0.086 Width: 22.183 bpm4aY | Mean: 0.035 +/- 0.025 Width: 6.355 bpm4acX | Mean: -0.185 +/- 0.084 Width: 21.621 bpm4acY | Mean: 0.040 +/- 0.025 Width: 6.379 bpm4ecX | Mean: -0.174 +/- 0.083 Width: 21.492 bpm4ecY | Mean: 0.033 +/- 0.023 Width: 5.941 sam1 | Mean: 0.335 +/- 1.655 Width: 428.433 sam2 | Mean: 26.380 +/- 16.846 Width: 4361.749 sam3 | Mean: 18.482 +/- 8.503 Width: 2201.659 sam4 | Mean: 37.068 +/- 15.373 Width: 3980.478 sam5 | Mean: 3.796 +/- 3.631 Width: 940.062 sam6 | Mean: -8.191 +/- 7.043 Width: 1823.525 sam7 | Mean: 5.420 +/- 2.775 Width: 718.378 sam8 | Mean: 2.526 +/- 1.594 Width: 412.633 ========================================================================= Combined Differences/Averages ========================================================================= asym_left_dd | Mean: -5667.912 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_right_dd | Mean: -1581.773 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_us_dd | Mean: 1017.220 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_ds_dd | Mean: 5103.358 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atl_dd | Mean: 1944.043 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atr_dd | Mean: -25942.961 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: -25490.585 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 1491.667 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_at1_dd | Mean: 452.376 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_at2_dd | Mean: 27434.628 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: -11999.459 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 13943.502 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: -13491.126 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_2an_us_an_ds_dd | Mean: -133.772 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_an_us_an_ds_dd | Mean: -6.233 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_an_us_an_ds3_dd | Mean: -7.659 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_dg_us_dg_ds_dd | Mean: 19.121 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_cav4cQ_an_ds_dd | Mean: 30.422 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_cav4cQ_dg_ds_dd | Mean: 36.203 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_dg_us_an_us_dd | Mean: 19.573 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_dg_ds_an_us_dd | Mean: 0.452 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_dg_us_an_ds_dd | Mean: 13.340 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_bcm_dg_ds_an_ds_dd | Mean: -5.781 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 768.735 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 486.206 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 3145.233 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 564.760 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 1854.997 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 144.793 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 627.471 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: -684.403 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: -583.463 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 100.940 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: -728.256 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: -43.853 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: -313.658 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aX_4acX_dd | Mean: -0.075 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aX_4eX_dd | Mean: -0.275 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aX_4ecX_dd | Mean: -0.398 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4eX_4ecX_dd | Mean: -0.123 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aY_4acY_dd | Mean: 1.757 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aY_4eY_dd | Mean: -0.202 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4aY_4ecY_dd | Mean: 1.680 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 diff_bpm_4eY_4ecY_dd | Mean: 1.882 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_us_dd | Mean: 1017.220 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_ds_dd | Mean: 5103.358 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_left_dd | Mean: -5667.912 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_right_dd | Mean: -1581.773 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 1944.043 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atr_dd | Mean: -25942.961 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: -25490.585 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 1491.667 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 452.376 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 27434.628 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: -11999.459 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 13943.502 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: -13491.126 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 768.735 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 486.206 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 3145.233 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 564.760 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 1854.997 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 144.793 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 627.471 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: -684.403 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: -583.463 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 100.940 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: -728.256 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: -43.853 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 dit_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: -313.658 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 25.303 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 90.101 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: -31.092 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: -5.220 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: -227.063 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 29.504 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: -28.926 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: -116.142 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 121.751 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: 92.980 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 121.907 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: -28.770 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 0.156 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: 46.568 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 2954.438 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: -24750.480 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: -292.555 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 27997.473 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: -25043.034 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 3246.993 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: -10898.021 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 13852.459 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: -14145.014 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_13_57_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_37_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_24_68_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_26_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_48_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_15_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_37_26_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_sam_1357_2468_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at1_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_at2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl1r2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atr1l2_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_avg | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_dd_atr_dd_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_atl_avg_atr_avg_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 cor_asym_us_dd | Mean: 0.000 +/- 0.000 Width: 0.000 ========================================================================= End of Summary =========================================================================