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BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 International toll number: 408-740-7256 PARTICIPANT CODE: #733110660 Room IRL: <none>
- Guido: Tosca calculation is better but not yet meshed finely enough for accurate results.
- Iris:
- Tosca results do show saturation, but do not correctly match onset of saturation with pre-g2p measurements. haplog:3385
- Q1 files have been opened but not yet meshed.
- Plan for Iris:
- check that "residual" is much less than 1, and that the "convergence factors" are 1e-3 or smaller. Guido points out this is important to be sure that Tosca has converged correctly.
- Also, Iris will check the approximate number of mesh points used in the septum model.
- show field strength at iron beampipe outer surface over the range of z along the septum.
- show Bx and By as a function of z-coordinate, offset from the beam center by 1cm in the horizontal (for By) or the vertical (for Bx).
- Find Bx and By in planes of x vs y, at z coordinates {20, 40, 60, 80, 100cm} downstream of the septum yoke. (perhaps use +/-1m for each coordinate.)
- open and try to mesh Q1 model
- probably not until next week: create combined model of Q1 + septum.
- ask Juliette if she knows location of Q1 relative to septum
- Plan for Kent:
- make summary of septum (g2p experience, expected currents, etc) for Friday
- Try to get information on Q1 locations, currents.
Iris H., Kent P., Guido U.
Juliette M