From PREX Wiki
PREX Main<< Information for Shift Takers << Shift Leader
Overview of Shift Tasks
- Ask the expert (back room) if something is unclear.
- Start / stop runs using the Parity DAQ (apar@adaq1). Keep runs <430 K events or ~0.5 hour at 240 Hz.
- Verify that Charge Asymmetry feedback is running. The data are practically useless if not.
- Verify that Beam Modulation is running
- Look at the Panguin ("online analyzer") plots
- Analyze ("fast prompt") each run and review the prompt plots.
- (new, Aug 19) Run the Compton DAQ
- (new, Feb 28) Run the Compton Counting Mode DAQ
Taking Data
- Starting CODA
- Starting a Run
- Starting the Compton CODA
- Starting, Ending & Analyzing a Compton Run
- Starting the Compton Counting Mode DAQ
- Taking a run
- Online analysis How-To
- Podd Analysis for Q2, Optics
- Take a spot++ run (High current or low current)
- How to go to cavity lock with low current - this is NOT required for CREX
- Doing a calibration run
- Taking MAIN detector Counting Run (Alignment Check)
PREX Collimator (Septum Temperatures)
- TargetOperation
- How to Find the 90-Degree C-Hole
- How to establish beam on a lead target
- Thermally break-in the target in case of long beam down
- Trouble-shooting the High Voltage GUI
- Checking the GEM Gas panel
- Checking the HV
- Check-list For taking Counting runs and Going back to Production
Fast Feedback
- If FFB broken badly, execute Plan B. FFB_troubleshooting
- Parity Aq feedback
- Flipping Insertable Half Wave Plate (IHWP) state
- Doing a PITA scan
- History - CREX
- Alarm Handler
- Scalar GUI
- Wall screen
- Panguin
- Responding to Alarms
- HallA Tools
- Strip chart
- Check the raster
- Monitoring the Compton Rates
Beam Modulation
- Computers
- Detectors
- Magnets
- Recovering from Power Outage
- OLD Coming back from no beam
- NEW Establishing High Current on a Calcium Target
- Parity DAQ
- Remote power strips
- rebooting IOCs
Fall 2016 HOWTO
- Info about how to run the DAQ, analyze data, etc: Fall 2016 HOWTO